VP's Speech and Debate Defense

The Speech and Debate Clause, found in Article I, Section 6, Clause 1 of the United States Constitution, is a critical provision that protects members of Congress from being sued or arrested for any speech or debate made in the course of their legislative duties. This clause is intended to ensure that members of Congress can freely participate in legislative activities without fear of retribution from the executive or judicial branches. As the Vice President is not a member of Congress, one might think that the Speech and Debate Clause would not apply to the Vice President. However, in a landmark case, United States v. Johnson, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the Speech and Debate Clause also applies to the Vice President. This means that the Vice President, like members of Congress, is protected from prosecution for any speech or debate made in the course of their official duties. The Speech and Debate Clause can serve as a valuable defense for a Vice President in a number of sc...